What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order: Lavender Room: Slowtwitch Forums (2024)

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What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order

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Apr 7, 20 4:29

Post #1 of 46 (1846 views)

I always look for the positives. Getting lots of house tasks done. Pressure is off at work as everyone “gets it” and isn’t in a rush. Kids have been learning to play outside. They went into the woods and have been exploring. They brought home rocks on their bikes the other day, cleaned them up and broke them into pieces with hammers. Went online to study the type of rocks they were. Just one example. Glad they are off iPads and Xbox more!

Weather is getting nicer and planning to start exercise routine again!

Spending more time as a family watching movies and playing board games. Shooting hoops and playing soccer with the kids in the yard.

And you?

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 4:41

Post #2 of 46 (1833 views)

Grocery shopping is now being done properly. My wife is more of a browser, has a rough list in her head and tends to wander around the store somewhat. I'm more of a, this is the list, grab it all and get out sort of guy. Now we do it my way.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:12

Post #3 of 46 (1802 views)

I am catching up on 5-6 years of neglected jobs around my house and property. Main one is FireSmart / FireWise'ing the place, limbing trees, clearing out brush, and other tasks to keep the place safer from wildfires. I was doing great until they put burning restrictions in place. Now I have to haul all that material to the dump, which forces me to leave my yard. Some challenging logic on those burn bans...

I think one of my biggest surprises is that my four kids, while stuck at home with each other, haven't had any major fights yet. They are actually helping with some chores every day which is unusual too.

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Starting from scratch...

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [skinny] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:19

Post #4 of 46 (1793 views)

The satellite views of major pollution generators during a shutdown is incredible. Whether you believe it does anything or not, you can't deny that there's less pollution.

I view that as a very brief positive, that will go right back the way it was.

I also see the folks even just walking a plus, some movement to combat obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Also, it's hopefully prompted some more folks to stop smoking/vaping.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:20

Post #5 of 46 (1792 views)

Similar to others...

We did a big yard cleanup day, starting on small things in the house like putting old unwanted clothes in bags.

Due to never eating out any more I have lost about 5 lbs. And from seeing my youngest son a lot more he's finally starting to bond with me (he's a massive mama's boy).

Spending much less money. Hopefully that translates into a larger savings account in the near future. The April credit card bill will be much lower than March.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [skinny] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:22

Post #6 of 46 (1784 views)

skinny wrote:

I think one of my biggest surprises is that my four kids, while stuck at home with each other, haven't had any major fights yet. They are actually helping with some chores every day which is unusual too.

Be very wary when the kids aren't fighting. They are definitely up to something.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:23

Post #7 of 46 (1782 views)

Since I have only went to work a couple of times in the last three weeks I have:

Gained an hour to my day
Saving $70 a week in gas and fuel

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:24

Post #8 of 46 (1778 views)

People are getting outside and exploring their parks

More people are looking at planting gardens

People are buying less 'stuff' that really isn't necessary.

As others said, more projects are getting done around the house

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:25

Post #9 of 46 (1775 views)

BLeP wrote:

skinny wrote:

I think one of my biggest surprises is that my four kids, while stuck at home with each other, haven't had any major fights yet. They are actually helping with some chores every day which is unusual too.

Be very wary when the kids aren't fighting. They are definitely up to something.

It usually means that they are playing Roblox, whatever the hell that is. Or they want to play it and know they won't get to if they don't get along.

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Starting from scratch...

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [shoff14] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:30

Post #10 of 46 (1765 views)

shoff14 wrote:

Since I have only went to work a couple of times in the last three weeks I have:

Gained an hour to my day
Saving $70 a week in gas and fuel

That's the other thing, companies are really going to reconsider this work from home thing for the long term. My department already was at 4 days a week and the satisfaction was huge.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [Zenmaster28] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:35

Post #11 of 46 (1757 views)

Zenmaster28 wrote:

Grocery shopping is now being done properly. My wife is more of a browser, has a rough list in her head and tends to wander around the store somewhat. I'm more of a, this is the list, grab it all and get out sort of guy. Now we do it my way.

Your way sucks

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [AndysStrongAle] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 5:47

Post #12 of 46 (1743 views)

AndysStrongAle wrote:

shoff14 wrote:

Since I have only went to work a couple of times in the last three weeks I have:

Gained an hour to my day
Saving $70 a week in gas and fuel

That's the other thing, companies are really going to reconsider this work from home thing for the long term. My department already was at 4 days a week and the satisfaction was huge.

It is pretty hard for me to do my job in a 100% effective manner working from home. That isn't the case for a lot of people though. But after spending the last 5 years driving +/- 30 minutes each way everyday, that time gain is nice after a 10 hour day.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [windywave] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 6:41

Post #13 of 46 (1696 views)

windywave wrote:

Zenmaster28 wrote:

Grocery shopping is now being done properly. My wife is more of a browser, has a rough list in her head and tends to wander around the store somewhat. I'm more of a, this is the list, grab it all and get out sort of guy. Now we do it my way.

Your way sucks

I don't agree with a lot of the things you say. This response falls into that category.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [shoff14] [ In reply to ]

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j p o

Apr 7, 20 8:09

Post #14 of 46 (1653 views)

shoff14 wrote:

Since I have only went to work a couple of times in the last three weeks I have:

Gained an hour to my day
Saving $70 a week in gas and fuel

Saving a lot on lunches. Wife and I work at the same place. Any day we eat out instead of packing it runs a minimum of $20. No random purchases where you end up spending $100 on sh*t you never wanted or needed.

And 2 cancelled vacations so far so all the $ is still in my pocket. As long as we still have jobs when this is over we will be in much better financial straits than before this started.

We are not nearly as f*cked as some of you are afraid we are.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Bumble Bee

Apr 7, 20 8:13

Post #15 of 46 (1648 views)

Saving a 45 minute commute each way.
We've also reduced eating out spending and it's reflected in our bank account.

Work is as busy as ever so some of my commute savings is consumed by working more.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [windywave] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 8:15

Post #16 of 46 (1648 views)

windywave wrote:

Zenmaster28 wrote:

Grocery shopping is now being done properly. My wife is more of a browser, has a rough list in her head and tends to wander around the store somewhat. I'm more of a, this is the list, grab it all and get out sort of guy. Now we do it my way.

Your way sucks

I don’t agree with a ,out of what you say, but this is the correct take on grocery shopping.
(I’m also cool with getting a little blitzed on a Sunday)

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 8:22

Post #17 of 46 (1642 views)

I learned how to juggle. Now I'm in the getting competent in juggling phase.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [Cavechild] [ In reply to ]

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j p o

Apr 7, 20 8:36

Post #18 of 46 (1622 views)

Cavechild wrote:

I learned how to juggle. Now I'm in the getting competent in juggling phase.

If you use eggs you reduce the bounce under the table factor.

Golf balls work really well if you are where you can't break things. The size and weight make your hands close around them. Big, light, bouncy things like the old style nerf ball make it a ton harder.

When you are feeling co*cky switch to basketballs.

We are not nearly as f*cked as some of you are afraid we are.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 9:42

Post #19 of 46 (1585 views)

I'm using sh*t that I own.

Tools in the garage are being put to use to build and fix things. Yesterday I built cornhole boards and today will paint them and sew up bags. All materials were in stock around the house.

My wife and I are both using our Kickrs and resubscribed to Zwift. Its fun again!

My yard looks great considering its early April.

I've built a planter and have seeds planted for lettuce.

Organized and purged a lot of sh*t that we really didn't need

and finally.......

Sourdough Bread!!!!! Used the panini maker for a great breakfast sandwich this morning.

I realize I have spent so much time and energy over the last twenty years working and buying things without getting enough use out of them.

Other than the fact that I have no money coming, I'm really enjoying this.

(next goal on my list reduce my email inbox from 13,527 down to 250)

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 10:11

Post #20 of 46 (1565 views)

Not a single good thing has come from this for me. I already worked from my downtown condo 85% of the time. But I now spend more on food eating at home 100% of the time. Honestly, I can't think of one good thing.

"Oh man, it's going to take days to kill all these people!" - Jens Voigt

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [j p o] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 10:13

Post #21 of 46 (1560 views)

Years ago, I got gifted a how to juggle set. It came with 3 small bean-bags. Standing against the side of the bed makes it so I don't have to bend over and pick them up so far. Eggs are in short supply.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 10:52

Post #22 of 46 (1539 views)

Not a damned thing. Still working. My commute was only 10 minutes anyway. I'm buying a lot of sh*t I don't need. I'm eating way too much and now my house is a pit because of the tornado.

Oh yeah, I now have the stomach flu.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [jharris] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 10:59

Post #23 of 46 (1528 views)

I can’t think of anything positive. My motivation for doing all these tasks, starting a new hobby etc. is zero. I’m finding this quite hard to deal with.

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [CJMcF] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 12:35

Post #24 of 46 (1489 views)

Sorry to hear that. Do you have anyone in the house with you? We are helping prop each other up when down right now. We each have good moments and bad moments.

Also, just accomplishing one small thing can be enough to get you going. Avoid the things that can be time sucks...like the LR

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Re: What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order [MLCRISES] [ In reply to ]

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Apr 7, 20 12:50

Post #25 of 46 (1483 views)

Thanks. I’m sure things will work out. I’m glad I’m with my wife - hope you’re managing.

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What good things have happened from “Stay at Home” order: Lavender Room: Slowtwitch Forums (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.