Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

SPORTING NEWS SIX I l.LN SPOUTING STAYS EI.F.PHONE PASSAIC 2000 IF 1 Ti 1 il OS TO I A Pair of Standbys FASSAIC DAILY HF.KAI.D, TLTSDAY, OCTOCIIR 1928 Cardinals Favored to QU'U. Sarmov itch Get pportunity For Fine Fame How Contenders for Big Series Championship Hit During Year New 1 k. 2 bP) Th nal butt ng avernc of the re-; riar and tut reserves on the rival World club and the team mirks follow. Beat Crippled Yankee Team in Fall Series; Betting Gentry Install National League Champs as 10 to 7 Favorites Hoyt Likely to Oppose Haines or Sherdel in Opening Game on Thursday All Reserved Seats for Opener Sold In Bout With Humbeck Victory Over Reteian Will Put Passaic Lad in Line for Lucrative Bouts in Metropolitan Area-Kid Williams Meets Adams in Return Bout New Club Opens Soon at Ranters API AIM OE TVf mtttv OF ftJHSYLVAWlA YARsnY TEAVA UIHO IS AW IDiSED EACKFlELb MAM. scull vuill DougriLss WCNS.

A G06D (rCOUWb GAiles, for tw THIS CAiC'-f series. McJKecnnie i ciub 1 In first-rats shape and with We Willis Bherdel, Jess vine. Grover Alexander, Clarencs Mitchell and Flint Hhem ready to ths pitching Bill, who went threugh all this with the Pirates In 12S, is nut worrying overmuch. Sherdel, Alex and Mitchell, on' paper at least, figure to give the Yankees some bad moments. Ttie American League tltleholdrrs thrive on speed and generally havs trouble with the slow ball pitchers wlth control.

Alexander And Bherdel both gave ths Yanks all kinds of trouble In 1826, it may be remem-, bered, although Hherdel w'aa unlucky enough to lose two games largely because he matched with Pennock. Indications are that Sherdel And Haine will pitch the first two games here and that Alexander writ! be sent to the mound tn the third game At St. Louis on Sunday. For reasons easily under stood, Huggins Is extesmely uncertain as to how he will work ht pitrhers, but It Is generally agreed that he can start no one but the well-known mortician, Hoyt. Pin-gras possibly will shoulder the burden In Fridays game and Zachary, who already has seen ii Worlds Series with Washing, may get the call on Sunday.

All the reserved seats for opening game at the Yankee Sts, dium have been sold, but 40 Mr unreserved ticket will go on Al the day rf the first game. Pro poets are for an opening day crowd of close to to, 000. No average bowed. ithainaon, St. (ofl Team Avsraoss New York bt.

vOUi Amrrii 4, Ih pet hiniKnK il h.iinpmn Th linyimit lad tils SfirHluii. llumbk joers a pufuii In hand and tin take riiT puuiirmnt than a uiid luig. I alwava willing and 1 pt to start a blow lvlmn mein bodies (o hie opponent, long a ha 4 mi hi feet and bo hi hand waving A Iiltr-son youth, and nhu of Ntvf k( one of Hit haritrat lilltmg lojond bo 111 the Neg fight game, Will mlg In Hie arm! filial A Wifi fiVrr CuhU Hill nil l.u kit a long way on the mad to fame. Wilhama an Again fans who raw th ent flarfieM uieiig fihta, should attend till not alien UwV at Infoiuied Charlie Diiitnu the ten i log, rav log, pum li uu tufiiu ic, of will meet A) Admit, of 11 field, ih a SIX round 1 etui fgitl. Hliouid thi fight ga mors than on i two round Uih tn threat.

to lay aside their gloves for a rougher oiiupatmn itlUms, In Hu three MtaH aim stinting mil to find fame nnd fartuna via th leath piisher' mute, h.v drujiped In Hire opponent In the set oml round after bmiing them a ody lacing wltuh would do credit to Jack ifitiisrv 1 ttained atm. When Illinois im( Adam met lt, Ada in th l.yndhumt lad with Hip on the Jaw, hut found th it eoUid taka th best he hod and aH!) pump ahott puiohi hi inldsei l.un with Hie rapidity of msi.iin gun Adams lasted two rounds, thru laid di.wn to listen to tha blidie after one of th wildest Mud wonitest acrap on record In ti 1 hxalltv, Th preliminary bout offered for Ihniedtv a show will bring togetn-er IVtev Mnoa, of Iasanic, and Miikiy ttreb, of lluruaon, rankle 1onH, of tuirfnhl, and Arthur Smith, of Jersey Citvt O. tig of Hillevliie, and Admm of Mi fv, tn biitr duo i hedulrd for a a rmnubr Nw Yorkr at Kantsr Voder the term of a tonfratt so and seal'd lust night, blank asile, of New Yuk, seemed riytila to roinhn and opr Ih, ting nrinUhca la Khtera Vuditot Uhm. jvanter ha Inaard hla areni to Mr Cuta ftif a pniod of two tai. and ha ha i.lrn tha a written guaranty that gmil wril enrountef no ohnimba in futiclion ing umlef ilia litnia granted th li.imiiion (hih.

The deal ImoHrd a cash on ld talk-ii wild to in esceag of fiUoh it eoiisunumited omy lifter many hit he Wre oveicmue Cla announce that hi first show will taks ptac on wtk from Ihutadiv night, tntober H. The ft nl will annoufiud in a few iUia. il is at liberty to conduit show weekly or semi immUily In a contains with an optional agreement By HERBERT W. BARKER New Y'ork, Oct. 2 If they'd only play this World Serlep In a hospital ward the Yankees would win without a strug1 As it le the bettors think the Ft.

Ixiuis Cardinal are going to repeat their world championship victory of IS. I And being gentlemen of firm conviction, the) rs ready to put $10 down on ths line against 91 to back their judgment, While Hill McKechnle spends his spars time gloating over the fact that hi Cardinal came througn the strenuous National League pennant battle without so much a a bruise. Miller Huggins turns his wintful c)e to the Yankee ranks and see nothing but ths lame, halt and the blind. Bandages are as much a part of standard Yankee equipment a are gloves. The pungent aroma of arnsca and Iodine discloses the presence of other casualties who on the surface appear almost hale and hearty.

Hut strangely enough, Huggins, the gloomy Gil Lohie of baseball, is not ready to burv his hopes of another world title 4to add to those he won In 1921 against the New York (Hants, and iat year when his clouting circus mads the furiclous Ilfate of Pittsburgh seem quite innocuous by comparison. Fome of his cripples day by day are getting better and better, and besides, Huggins has a "lot of confidence in hi team. Hut there no gainsaying that the 1'anks ar going to enur the first gams of the aeries on Thursday badly handicapped. Yanks Miss Psnnock Pepnock, as good A World Series pitcher as baseball history can name, will not bs in there mystifying rival batsmen with his left-handed slants. Nor will Wiley Moor, who also won one of the games against the Pirates last Fall.

Waite lLot, George Pipgras and Tom Zachary will havs to bear ths burden this time. Mont of ths Infield would appear to better advantage In a hospital bed than on the ball field Tonv Lnxserl, who can throw overhand only at ths prtc of excruciating pain In his shoulder, will be at second base; Mark Koenig, suffering from a nore foot, will limp about shortstop territory. Lou Gehrig, struck In the face by a batted ball In the last gams of the regular season, will do his first-basing with a pair of swollen hp. but otherwise In sound health Jo Dugan accustomed placs at third has piobnbly will be taken cars of almost exclusively bv Gene Robertson, who is untried, a yet. In aerie fire Boh Meuse! and the one and only Babe Ituth will bt In the outfield, although ths latter Is troubled by a Irick knee.

Centerfietd i.ut) probably will divided between t'edrie Durst nnd Ben Paschal, although there a possibility that Facie Comb injured wrist may mnd fat enough to let the Kentucky Colonel into line-up before the rrerles ends. Cardinal in Shaps In sharp contrast to the misfortune that have smck the AmerUnn League champion, the Cardinals me quite rcidy for the ACrr staging thru of the fm shoes ever nifered tn tl. i H.ty, since the completion of moot Lark open air feiUuff in Garfje'J, Jwrt el'n afrhnfltkT, will bring Lie outdoor reason tn a rhe Thursday bight, Mi a tar 4 featuring Mike Knh-r. ju hard hit ling hrav got, and Ji Humber of Brill rmi. In tl feature it tuund as Is a good card Ju jMU Jrrsry, and If Welling gea a a In the way a mild day.

bs fchouid jtgj them la tha Oof'fc'd t. and uay boat a rapacity md of fans A Mruo'Mt b-Humbi ht 1 -und to bring fuewuiks and piub-a If eieepng powders for one of tha roMcntaiita Both men pm heavy, and la doubtful if both i be on their feet and mixing when ie final gong ring Huuihvi la new to Jeiwey fun, although the I atU) bw I ii known her. Ur la one of the fmimhif young heivjwriuhla in the Mirtrojmiitan and has a aula of hi own wni aieava and mokra up fur la Of ring eupciiriH by i abates vetwea UiiinUiK cam To tha country of putjriistlo money beg under the of Tommy Burns, the ex-hav) itcht thump, whu one tim he would a mnluv bring to 1 AH Stars ViH Cats in Grid Ccntest rin Dombal Get Only Touchdown of Game in Second Period Drive Mike Long Runs imuv ufietnooit at ih iimv Hill Dei.i Ih Hiullh Vl debated t.i iifton Wild Gate ty tue Si wi of I 0 1 ho ism was had fought throughout with huth teams (Ha-puling a fir. a Tha Ail Hia-ia started a drlxn In the second nuaHer and trihed ii the field forty yaria for tha only buthdown tha gam, which waa aeored 1V iJMin iKUntml Dombal thnilvd the irowj with I ftot broken field rnnplng, lot' ntsnv times for larva iut it ids, btelgar and MutiiieS a 0 contrlhuld aomw fino giins iriitg tle aftoinoon Ifuhtt, and Miwa pleied a fln drfen-e a gama fir tha maroon and ulta, tmkllng tbir opponent In Hie tra-k tna An lren and Captain Von I lueell paed xseli fr tha atre axtnlng the All Hum it hu.d an Important nie-tug at I club rooma at oHkH Hll I i Tt 1 Fish Stories of 1928 Now Await Compiler Volume May Include Experiences With Monster Turtles, Swordfish and Tarpon Sy QUIN HALL Jacd With a iiatd hedue Which Includes Ii opp -lUu as J'enn Ft.Ue, Navy, llarvanl, Vhha-go. Cornell ami Voluinhia, tha 1 n-vrrlty of Vrnni Hums ha enter ed thi eur a foothoil aoumon with mis of Ih uuiigat squad fxxj Young has had aim ha bn been toa'hing at th i'hihidelphla seal of Daintily Of tha bi squad which went into sailv itaLilng at tupa May, N.

only eigtiieen of th number rm rived letter for work during tha last campaign This mean that een If rnn buihl up a flrt string tram of sums exirl nc, the r'ri strength la bound to be tour or lessreen. Young. Iik quit a few other roach thi year, 1 being worried about filling aoiu big gapi mad when mne of Iti atnr placet wers gfAduated lal June While laU ha a scummed flitm tatkl to tniklw and a ffood-SHfqdy etperieiK-ed bkfiJ-l mat Hal extrwmely a.hoit of ingmen, Tha beet Indication of this I the fact that ht Hiuing lu engaged J.on Jomdt to tutor th end. Thi was th first time In sceial jiaii that there had been a need of a wing coach Thai ha uuuMv been a wraith of ex- perierifed sxn available fof th poaitlon, Jourdet, the 1 tiskethall advisory coach, was a star wing-man in hla paying day nnd he was tailed In to develop e-mie Worthwhile end timber. Just how far hs ha succeeded Will be proven tha season advances tut before practice started oung was worried over tha situation Of the wing mnteriul available before the season got under wuy 11 looked a I Hill Hullivdn of Dorihesler, Muu, and Johnny kali, of Wilmington, Im-i, had the Instda tiruk for the Job In view of the fact that they had had more extHulenf than must of ths candidate However, they may bs awamped under by the driving method of sums of last years fvehuien who ar out for Jobs 1aul ull and John kmitli seem to atnl out at 1enn as the main cog around which t'oath oung will construct his machine.

Scull, who wilt aptaln the Squad till yar, i well equipped as a bacUflcid rnn and ha plenty of experience, Hmtlh, picked by many as being of caltbrs lut season, will buck In tackle petition And liuld be even better this year than lt Johnny t'tx, ths 5 00-pound like Harrs voungster, who showed up so well at guard last venr, was aw Itched Newark, Oct 2 (JP) Fih storks of ftwuiUng a compiler, might include experiences with monaler turtle, sword fish and tarpon, fine, fut crabs, blue flh In abundance, weak ftah that stared bather from ths w'aters, other so tame that they were puked from ths suif by hand, and of new feeding grounds where for a century, seaweed and marine growth havs been developing to attract fish In proftiabls numbers. Hulnt Pleasant reported that hawk brought fWh. from the waters and diopped them at kitchen doors ready to bs cleaned and cooked. Seaside Park offered ths arn of ths tame fish, it was at Lavalletts that women and girls were reported hurled tn shore by ths Impact of a solid masa of Hh. Fishermen Mid that a school of wekflh extending thr miles out to sea wa driven to ths shallow water in terror when chased by schools of blue-fl-h.

Ths new fishing ground were discovered nfT lMaware t'aiies by Ihiptaht Joshua Shivers, of the tuning stiamer Nautilus of Cold 8prng harbor. Shivers has made a specialty of locating wrecks for th 11. 1 that Ited In auhten anenn gardens. I or several ears he had dragged ths ocnn flour la search nf th re (f the cllpjier ship I i lei under, Im nt down in 1 5 Sven hundred and fifty nnk of mein or more hAd leen swept with mde hmg line before Indications of the re were found A diver was sent down Rfler highly prired fish weie reported taught on bare St. Louis Slabmen Seem to Have Edge on Over-Worked Yankees Andre Routis to Return to France French -Featherweight Champ Takes New Title Home Near York, October 8, (P) Andre Bouli 111 return to Frsnx' bearing the first World pugilist! title held in the land of the F1u De Lya since Gorgeous George Carpentter wont back eight ye ago with the 176-pound crown after flattening old Battling LevitW sky In tour round.

The new fen then eight king wilt sail Immediately for Franc after keeping his non championship engagement against Honey Boy Finnegan at the opening of tbe New Garden in Bo-, ton The date for the Finnegan flgl.F ha been advanced from November 16 to November IS to permit Tex Itlrkftrd to attend both that bouf and the Thompson-Dundee meeting In New York on the sixteenth, ac- cording to Jo Jacobs, Routin man- ager. The new champion, and oUm 1 er Jicobs fighters, wlU remain twv month in Fmnce. hut Floutls will defend his title onlr after return ing to the United States. Heavyweights on New Garden Cards New York. Oct.

2, MP Paulino U-cudun, Spanish heavyweight will held the next heai'yweight lioxing card at iladlsun Fquar Garden. November $. meeting Ottn Von Porat, of Chicago, In the feature ten rounder. On the game can! Tiny Roebuck, of Kansas Oltx will make hi eastern dehut gainr Arthur De Kuh and Con of Ireland, will meet A1 Friedman, of Huston The at rungement for the meetmc were completed jester-, da The garden matihmnker, Tom McArde, also announced vesterdav that he had virtually completed tu arrangement for another heavyweight cnmival to take place No-' veniter 21 with loung Strthilng. of Georgia, going against Napoleon Jaik Lria in the headliner Stripling hs not yet signed th match but Is expected to do to to- Pitching Records v.

of Series Stars New York. Oct. 2. WV-Th 192S records of the pitchers In th eom-ing World Kenea follows: Yankee over to tackls early this tnj and will doutitlea bs ued there In addition to lues experienced linemen Young has Leon WetRat, fnt string centr. Walter Magni and lulph Monk as guards and an extra tackle in (len Kucn Th backfield seems fairly well et In with such old timet as Hcull, Paul Murphv, Johnny kho-her, Walter 1'lne.

Kiank Mtilhann, trirrmU ltonbnom and Ai Hntow-sky beslds a promising array of young material In view of ths abundant back-field timber and ararettv of end men th (oathes hav been trying Walter Iin out In the wing poni-; turn and It Is barely possible that Jm Olexv, of lb mouth, la who started th 192? campaign as regular center and wa biter replaced by Weatgate, mav bs tulored Into an end Job. Mory hninman, a MUbstituts end At 1 also a pnihHity a a regular. Young is likely in toss a lot of his experimental timber lit ths end pd-dttons timing ths'y skirmishes nnd by the tim the really Important section of bis schedule I reached It la not unlikely that ha will havs uncovered men who may bs able to fill ths shoes of Kolwelt H-ull and Jus Lenxner, the 1927 tegular. And out Hi Youngs eatlv eeoti worries a star may st ghlte Lawless Easily Beats Williams Jpgie Jay Lawless, Jlnirlson hesivv weight. elly outjHvInted iimilumt WilHnma tn th fcatuie ten round bout last mght At the Newark Artimiy, winning seven of th ten round and having VH-Imm on the verge of A Lqotk-out several time The bout wa a rturn eto'icement.

Lxwle having knvoed th gunner In their flrt melee. W.Utam earned ths retuin bout br kimckliu out Knnk Montngna who h1 stopped Law lea In a round. The bout dtew near!) HOOS1ER GANG UF vy 'tyil -Y 1 i Ql 1 1 By WILLIAM J. CHIPMAN New York. Oct 2 DV) Hitching i.

as pUied a predominant part In lit drUnn ths Prfte the harli.ilt age, and lice xr box men largely hn iun tin to foim. In ih bi ending bctllr Dot the Cat diual and ths an- bow ft tn ed and nvr- stuff will pitt.d ulnat itch oilier, and ths tg qufllun i hook Ths captain will not anil with ths fishing fleet for Florida this "Winter. Instead, hs will Ue vots hi time to ths new found grounds and hs la keeping their location secret, Mnnotolokmg offers th story of A flhhawk, reeled In fighting every Inch of ths way. A surf swung his nn tat squid through the air and it landed on ths water Just on the hawk dovs for a fish. Ths osprey grubbed ths squid, hung fast and was hauled In.

A tarpon, five feet long, wm taken at Atlantic City. In other sea-sonsthe few of this southern fish found In Jersey water, weighed less than ten pounds. A seven-foot sword ftah, weighing 89 pounds, was taken with rod and re near Bar-negat Light. At tSeoaid lark, on of ths catches, wa a leather hack turtis weighing 403 pounds Blue-fish Kept ths skipper of Ocean County busy for weeks. Purf fishing was better than In years.

Old timers said they could not remember a jesr when sand eels were nx big as this jenr, remained as long, and were as plentiful. They heve-l the eel attracted flh to the surf Boulevard Owls Win Opening Grid Game The Boulevard Owl defeated the North r.ialo Btnrs, 14 0, ester-da afternoon, when ths heavier sectional team was unable to stop i th speedy running of the Owls biuka. it -w '4 i A i K. rjnn aoiul ac Iwevement aim Mitly and Coomb nnd Adams were in their prim As good as he )lnt is im IsftMue short of big six fit hi bt, but be I oung enough and attoug If th Vnko. mis pulled throuksn, the final (hetk-up doubt-Im wtH reveal Master Hovt In p-eaion of three yn tort and no de-fertta a matk share! only bv Mattv.

Ailmm, Coomb and Manley Cove-teki 1 hs former Clevelind Hole won hi third Victory In a title wlnrlt never wvuld have ben placed In a evn gams aeile It vv th fri I Mvtion tiiumph pi one of th four v-uut of mns cl ihea hi World Hriet blHtorv Hut Matty and Adim and toomlm earned their will tW nit' of It- If, iQutvla over th aewn gun rout In lb hex with the Matty and (hHunhs In mven game Htties te In fixe her pit her, Including Imne wd and l-aber, hvs three In i a i hut all havs lust on or moie the nxul will match the louti they have through tbe tegular Her liuggih juss hi Jw Haim ho! (vu v-m, hut ftmshed with vkitmir ntid game He niultr, even agamt a COPS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FLAG Lyndhurst High Plays Cranford I I Ciim 1 IU3 CUT in.n Olsen, of I Vinlhurat High, la putting 11 footlmHci through thHr daily rf Iti piepaiaMnn for thecr (pcimig gam with Cranford balutday. He h.i A 1 kiI Imk ug team tM )rnr, and harimg AvcHlenia, ahuuld hav th l( acvmn In ths hltny yf th hu1 MkIH Veteran fivm int veai team riiurned. nitmly 'taptHin llmiimn I'llinmn, 1tdmnio 1 nthinn, Crud, H. ID ni tut ocn It I IntirvMlnu to bole that the jmish im Ih oruo tumg tbit Cnptmu lliiinmn has hn fore 1 hi ht li 1 lie Mu I 1 1 HU Ucng mg (timMed tf 1 Itcneia ibe of th inniou hcarn Hmh Truck iHd J'iU pound Hillhdk tujd and Luihum will l. tup in from the il td Hi Vtcr Ol-cn tin Img It ad-, i -1-Ip to hef him tt In kle in ('r--ii to ftuuhhthcft Her line in one of 1 Pi ik pi I I The lot ward wii'l il hav mmh we tin ar, Wliith wan hukitig I it -ni T' pToh.ilt llnr-un for ft at me wld ie' and i'at-won tikha Mumh nnd Klc I'tclotulKt ami (lrtinnh k.

t'mnhshaw, qcnrt rii k. (I (won 1 wuatd, crul.r. ImV (M (le i.h and it I Minn an, Na- tt ir 1 sb Unjdie. will nfflt lax in the Mm i ie thi er John A Htvdhr niMnn'ed baOrt )i (men snd Ilunv A. Ma wan Wei totnl AixitIihO irfjjMe I I It.utt'rd, hid of U.I no Mr le 1, ue I New Welter ins Over Fast Negro Title Contender Jackie Fislds May Be Matched with Dundee in Place of Thompson Pin FrtnoUco.

Ot t. 2. (7 A amiln'T. Goan cut youth uf 21. who brut a man who beat a champion, today was the newest ring at nsatlon to rise out of th The xouth Jarkte Fields, puncher frm Los AnTle.

an I the ten round betins gave Young Ja Thompson Negro contender for th welterwnht title Jait nlht, may hav placed him in line for a title bout aoon Fields th Negro, ron- querr of th champion Joe Fundee In a non-title fljht, the worst beating of hi csver. Thompson ha been matched for a lout with dund-f in New York Novemlter 16. but Lie Konry, Fielde manager, previous) declared he had reteived a letter from Tom Mtr)1e, New York matchmaker. Indicating willing ness to pit Field instead of Thompson egtinst the champion, provided FkWla defeated th Negro conten Helds, weiahlnt 113 pound to 114 for Thompson, pummeled his duskv opponent with a wilting body attack and short lefts and rights to the fur to win seven round Thompson rslUe in Ih sixth and sessions whll th fifth was even. It made eleven straight victories fr Fields fix of them by knockout Tha bout drew about I ft 06 ier-ns with gt rvs'eipts S3 tK br VJT 'I Vw i.

'V It Oi i i 4 1 w. vvlother wide to shown campaign AlUmURh pit hlng art) eug taidlnalH eiratic nine stiaii-ht inphte Hi ('atdintl new of left hand'd mauht am a th -vnkt Me ill Socrd' I lot torn came to I 01004 in tie re ti nliiih i one g.Hd 1 1 von uHMnif th it will win this no tin 1 1 i nnv 'uti'e in the Inw of alar. HUe Will take the lore on in tbe foiUnomtng Hid AUx He torat i 41 lntul of but he i sitU Abx th Oreut -ami mmv of the mkv rm'm-t It Atwttiwr v.ran, I'Lurmr Mltvhtll, th souHipiw spttbiller, lots a mean wav of nuk'uK strong batsmen vxeeti ox.r thit doikv curve. He got thing" but many clutx t)m hit It, parucubul) (he Hi min. I Aikitii'Nt tin attai, Milltr Hue-s ns must Hu I ov er-w or Hovt, mix uncertain IMpgraa, a vet- ei ban and no lenno at ill The Curd iun wilt depend upon the above mentiutied quartet ttx irt all Rtmoi and Jluu tn will tempting a fite of whnh aI-i ly i opioiou if be veniuiu Dir with wnvtuMh th I I rse he jw tn tore lin.r (limpi'n s'dggef unIof the wise The 4 ncu present to lloxt le ge- et opt'ntunity Nr p-r- Pinkey Burns in Quick Victory McLoughlin Break lliurnb in First Round of Tilt AV f' JltrfoH, Alm i I vj 4J Lvuc tI J' (Ml fif't (if a K'Ueduol Mv UUil boot St Ivist n.tet fy i 4.

ccmpiln'l that had irokn li 9 loUfnb nnd ths t(er fttrjjtJ the Horn weghe! and la.orhlln, 13S In H)it mil Juhnnv aw kl of I'ntrf mm, was R.vetl te HI'MI oxer -e Mn'er of f.ieh H.m in i toond trout fnimt ii'ann. of Ulsw limit Jo. 1 1 rv '1 k. of ah ah, Mast mun I Jok of hldxew te rl out I 1 il I id. 1 i 1 ew of IX IK 1 of Of (90.

li in a GcncTunney Meets Fiancee in Italy Former Champ and Miss Lauder Set Out for Rome Naples Hulx oct 2 tPl Gen Tunnev and hi Pu noee. Mix Mary Josephine I xuder. left fr Bums by automobile Tunncj met Mts lender shun id the Mtorhip Tur-utA at eunrie thi morning They wi.l be mart icd in Home Tunnev had hired ttiiee sutomo-bii In advance the snivel of the ship and after Miss Iuiudr tnd her pvitv came ashore, the couple and their fihmi stone, I I the journey to Home I Hoth civil end ou me-monb will tike ptir thei and then they will be rotnd by lup I iu and Premier TV IjhUiujkui Indian. innr e( Amnrifan A0fition The Hooker, who will nw-t the Ujti winner in he world re. bck row, left to Pitcher Swetonic, Outfielder Korneeke, Shortstop IVsrdler.

Tit.her Spccce, Cetcher Florrnce. Eecond Piem Connolly, Coach Corridi n. Second row Tirtt r-mn Eurrui, Titiher Leverott, Outfi 1 J-r Slenk-iron, ntcher S.hupp, Catcher Riddle, Firt Holke, Catcher Spencer, Yd. Front row: Outfielder Mattheoa, Pitcher Boone. Mansj.r Ca I.

TUrd Bare man Haney. Pitcher rurwell. OuXJder CUuty 11. Her and tha nvaarot X-Out of sene with Injuries, y-lncudce hlnctoti recvnL x-lrclude Philadelphia rexrd. I.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 6068

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.