| Île-de-France Mobilités (2024)

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As part of its policy to develop cycling throughout the region, Ile-de-France Mobilités provides assistance to buy different types of bicycle. Wherever you live in Ile-de-France, you can benefit from this.

Which bikes are concerned?

  • Standard eBike
  • Cargo bike with or without electric assistance: two-wheel carrier, long tail, three-wheel carrier, etc.
  • Folding bicycle with or without electric assistance
  • Bike adapted for the disabled¹

Bicycles must be new and comply with current regulations² (allocation rules available at the bottom of this page).

Which accessories are eligible?

Some accessories are also eligible, if they are purchased at the same time as the bike. They must appear on the same invoice as the bicycle.

For electric bikes, cargo bikes and folding bikes, these are: basket, saddlebag, helmet and lock.

For bikes adapted for the disabled, accessories that make the use or handling of the bike easier are eligible, for example: pedal and handlebar accessories, gearing, support for a part of the body or safety accessories such as turn signals and mirrors.

How much is the subsidy?

The subsidy depends on the type of bike:

  • Standard eBike: a maximum of 50% of the purchase price (including VAT) of the bicycle and accessories, up to a limit of €500;
  • Cargo bike without electric assistance: a maximum of 50% of the purchase price (including VAT) of the bike and accessories, up to a limit of € 500;
  • Cargo eBike: a maximum of 50% of the purchase price (including VAT) of the bike and safety accessories, up to a limit of €600;
  • Folding bicycle, with or without electric assistance: a maximum of 50% of the purchase price (including VAT) of the bicycle and accessories, up to a limit of €500;
  • Adapted bicycle: a maximum of 50% of the purchase price (including VAT) of the bike and any accessories to help with handling, up to a limit of €1,200;

This subsidy can be combined with aid provided by other local authorities in Ile-de-France. The combination of the various aids is limited as follows:

  • EBike or cargo bike without electric assistance or folding bike: Ile-de-France Mobilités Subsidy + Local Aid = €500 maximum
  • Cargo eBike: Ile-de-France Mobilités Subsidy + Local Aid = €600 maximum

You should find out about any aid from your local municipality. You must first request this, if available, and wait for confirmation, before requesting an Ile-de-France Mobilités subsidy. The total aid must not exceed the limits noted above.

For bikes adapted for the disabled, the subsidy from Ile-de-France Mobilités is calculated on the amount remaining after having benefited from any local aid and reimbursement under the national health Insurance (assurance maladie), private insurance or other appropriate funds. You must first request these, if available, and wait for confirmation, before requesting an Ile-de-France Mobilités subsidy.

If, on the other hand, there is no aid from your local municipality for the type of bike purchased, you do not have to provide proof in your application.

What are the conditions for receiving a subsidy?

To be eligible for assistance with the purchase of a bicycle, you must:

  • Be a private individual (not a company)
  • Be 18 or over (or mineur émancipé) and live in Ile-de-France
  • Have purchased a new bicycle that complies with the regulations in force, after 1 December 2019 for eBikes and cargo bikes with or without electric assistance or from 1 May 2020 for folding bicycles and adapted bicycles
  • Agree not to resell the bike for a period of three years
  • Not already have benefited from a similar Ile-de-France Mobilités subsidy
  • Have requested local aid, if available, before making the request to Ile-de-France Mobilités
  • Log on to the website and complete the online application form.

The following documents will be required:

For all bikes:

  • A copy of the invoice for the purchase of the bicycle and any accessories in the name of the applicant (invoices dated before 01/12/2019 will not be accepted for electric bikes and cargo bikes, those dated before 01/05/2020 will not be accepted for folding bicycles and adapted bicycles). The invoice must be in euros and paid in euros and written in French.
  • A copy of the homologation certificate or certificate of conformity of the bicycle provided by the supplier (for bicycles with electric assistance only)
  • A copy of proof of address, dated within the previous three months, in the name of the applicant (housing tax, property tax, landline telephone bill, internet subscription, water bill or electricity bill) or a certificate confirming you live with the householder (download a template)
  • A copy of an identity document (national identity card, passport or residence permit)
  • A copy of proof of emancipation for emancipated minors (mineurs émancipés)
  • An IBAN from the applicant’s bank
  • For those who live in a commune offering financial aid for the same type of bicycle: proof of financial aid or proof or refusal.

For adapted bikes:

  • A document justifying that the applicant cannot use an individual two-wheel bicycle. This document can be: a “Carte Mobilité Inclusion (CMI) Invalidité” or “Priorité”, a medical certificate or an opinion formulated by a healthcare professional;
  • Only for bicycles on the Assurance Maladie LPPR list*: proof of receipt or refusal of reimbursement from Assurance Maladie, showing the amount.
  • Proof of reimbursement or refusal from private health insurance, showing the amount.
  • In the case of an adapted tricycle, the invoice must also specify the presence of a differential between the rear wheels, tricycles without a differential are not eligible.

By validating the form, you agree not to resell the bike within three years.

During the processing of your request, you will be contacted if any information or documents are missing or inadmissible. Once your file has been processed, you will receive an email informing you of the decision (agreement or rejection). If agreed, a transfer will be made to your bank account, within a maximum of four months after the date of agreement. The subsidy will be paid within the limit of the annual budget envelope voted by Ile-de-France Mobilités.

Subsidy award rules for the purchase of electrically assisted bicyclespdf-235.7 KB
Submit your request on this website

It is also possible to try before you buy!

Not sure if an eBike is right for you? Try before you buy!

Ile-de-France Mobilités proposes Véligo Location, rental of an eBike at €40 euros per month for a minimum of six months. This is reduced to €20 euros if you are eligible for a reduced rate transport ticket or if your employer reimburses 50%. Maintenance and repair are included in this monthly cost. To find out about this offer, visit the Véligo Location website.

¹Any bike adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities, reduced mobility or with a specific condition preventing them from using a standard individual bike (mechanical or electrically assisted).

²Bicycles must comply with the regulations in force according to which the term “electrically assisted bicycle” is understood within the meaning of European Directive No. 2002/24 / EC of 18 March 2002: “assisted pedalling cycle, equipped with an auxiliary electric motor with a maximum continuous nominal power of 0.25 Kilowatts, the supply of which is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 kph, or before if the cyclist stops pedalling”. This corresponds to French standard NF EN 15194 (since May 2009).

Bicycles must also comply with Decree 2016-364 on the prevention of risks resulting from the use of bicycles. The motors must be electromagnetically compatible (decree n° 2015-1084 of 27 August 2015 relating to the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic equipment). The safety of chargers must be ensured (decree n° 2015-1083 of 27 August 2015 relating to the availability of electrical equipment intended for use within certain voltage limits).

| Île-de-France Mobilités (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.