Daily Record from Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland (2024)

4 With jacket or blouse Navy blue faille combines with dusky pink jersey in the elegant co*cktail ensemble on the left worn by Loretta Young. The slim skirt has a draped bow at the hip and this pulls through a slit in the moulded jacket. Facing the high roll collar is jersey to match the long sleeved blouse. And this is the blouse without the jacket. The graceful sculptured line drapes the shoulders and neck and lends interest to the long sleeves which actually peep from below the jacket.

541. "10's Kindness means more than good manners TOUGHTFULN ESS, kindness or good which do you con.sider the most desirable quality in a man? This trio of characteristics are all mentioned in a letter from a young reader who feels embarrassed when her boy friend won't raise his hat when someone she knows meets them together in the street. "As Jar as I am concerned." she writes, "it doesn't matter a hoot, but my friends make veiled reference to his lack manners. and I suppose they speak behind my back, "He seldom wears a hat but when he does it sits tight upon his head. In other ways I find him most attentive and considerate.

In fact, he's the kindest man I know." That last phrase stands out like shining gold from a setting of tawdry thoughts. Keep his kindness before you when your friends indulge in petty jeers. No. I certainly wouldn't advise speaking to him about the matter. It may be that he's nervous or shy in wearing a hat.

I consulted some mannerly fellows on the question and one of them frankly confesses that he always feel sheepish when raising his hat. Because of this he seldom has one. If you are very conscious of your friend's shortcoming in this direction let him know that you like him best wtlhout I have an official secretary and issue a news sheet periodically I'll gladly furnish the address of the secretary. The fee for joining runs to a few shillings. Flannel HAVING bought a medicated flahnel to create a glow and relieve muscle pains, a reader wonders if this should be worn next the skin and whether she can wash it.

You wear these dressings next the skin. They may be washed in a light, not too warm lather and dry them away from heat or sunrays. Repeated washings will eventually impair their chemical properties. LOUSE PETRIE It 4aver.c her mail a hat. He might be Just as relieved as you to get rid of that burden I pity the poor men having to be ever on the alert in this direction.

I'm sure if I were one I'd never wear a hat. Hobby Club LAI' recent reference to the IVI American "Hobby Club" which links people in pen friendships has drawn several Inquiries. Readers ask if this is exclusively an American Association with all overtures coming from the United States "I would like to be put in touch with someone in the States but don't know how to go about it." explains one. This Club is an American Idea and to begin with was sponsored from that country but now they have contacts 500 members, Kiddies will like this YOUNGSTERS sometimes resent putting on a cosy pullover, but don't think much persuasion required the were patterned with gay ducklings as in this jersey. The trouble then Might be they wouldn't wish to take it all.

Ideal for boy or girl, this design measures 26 inches round under the arm and the length from top of shoulder is 13 inches. The original jersey was knitted in natural wool with yellow ducklings against a dark brown ground, but you can select any colour scheme you like. The neat fitting neok links up the shade of the panel. To knit this you require 3 ozs. of the main colour and 12 oz.

each of the other two. The knitting instruction leaflet, complete with diagram, costs twopence and you should enclose this amount in stamps along with a sell-addressed penny. stamped envelope and the adjoining order coupon. Address your Louise Petrie's Pattern Service. "Daily Record." Kemsley House, Glasgow, CZ.

Daily Record" Knitting Pattern No. 191 Duckling jersey TO-, Slightly crafty? (4). 5, This trade would not he dutiful, of course (4). S. Tudor vine becomes expelled (6.

3). 9, Plunge back In a hurry, evidently (4). 10, An evil spirit could make me nod (5). 11, Clear It for a musical performance (7). 12, Hazard (4).

14. Photograph a card game (4). 17, Sea-shoreS that make up rope (7). 19. Border round nothing clicuitOusfy (5).

20, An article In liquor for profit (4). 21, Interested, but troubled VII. 22. Eager dirge? (4). 23.

An old 6 day perishes (4). Down-1. Dared upset a snake 1 5). 3. Active falsehood about five 4) 4.

Mated dice (snag.) (W. Foreigner from the manor Ve for heating liciuid (does It l'lr tf) (4). 13, Weight of a ong onset (5). is, Father MI 4, vii ol 4 e- 4 view A -7. Blankets THE washing of new blankets worries another correspondent.

To remove the chemical finish present in all blankets, steep overnight in cold water to which a handful of salt has been added. Squeeze out the following morning and wash in warm. soapy suds and rinse through several lukewarm waters. Some people prefer a reliable detergent to soap, in which case follow the directions explicitly. Some glycerine added to he final rinsing water enhances their softness.

Hair style I have a very shallow lorehead and am advised by my friends to dress my hair high so as to suggest height. but I fail to see any improvement in this style. Could you suggest anything? I am dark and my eyebrows are lull and wide. My face is on the broad side." Don't be downhearted you sound rather attractive. Because of the width of your face, I wouid still cling to top fullness, but not of the Edwardian persuasion.

Have your hair dressed to hide the hairline ac oss the brow. Drooping waves or curls, toppling from a higher fullness. would keep people guessing. Bring them over the side of the brow as well. By plucking your eyebrows at the top and tapering them carefully at the edges you'll gain a fractional change which ought to make a difference.

'DAY'S CROSSWORD outside and a beast (5). 16. Want to be darkened 1n bed (4). la. The ends of 13 and 13 become European (4).

SATURDAY'S SOLUTIONS Across Stil(y) Steel: Conan; 11, Nua(lr); 12. AA: 13 Oang; 15. Ord: 16, ST; 17, Oran: 15, ord; 20, Aw (wa'); 22. Tir: 23, Spae; 24, N(l)c: 25, AD: 26, Keening; 29. EA; 32, Er( Icht); 33, Por(rldge): 34.

Ower: SClan); 116, Ava; 37, Viking; 38. Tay. Down Bogota; 2, Lanark 3, La; 4, Snoopers; 5. Turra: a (Dee) 7, Easani Let 10, Band (nalrd 14, o(a)nlei is, Del; 21, W. C.

0747: 2s, Seer Meg; 28, Nova (Avon); 29. Boy (Voe): SO, AW; 31, Pelt (Kep); 3s, Pat. jlllllllOllllllllllll JJUj 01111111111116111111111111 LIIIII2IIIIIIJIIIIIIM gIIMINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i GLASGOW CINEMAS a ENBIAL NOTICE MISCELLANEOUt4 I Repairs goo Aiterattutis o) Experta Estimates tree Behar ha Bath Street DOUillas 2858 eASH REOISTERS fry Steiceesons 444.451 Winton St. Masao', 4: 5 LINDOWMENT pols purchased outrig to ALA A A Lewis. 22 Tib Lane.

Manchestee and Storer. Part Lots Or Single Articles Weekly Deliveries Everywhere Over seas Removals Complete Service Free Estimates and 1 Argyle Street. GLASGOW 2 Tel 2664-5 your eel requires to oe Lk serviced drop us a postcard dna we will collect and deliver In the Glasgow area All work done Os night, stilled Radio Engineers ono suaranteed. CLYDESDALE SUPPLI CO. Bride's 63 St.

37 Jamaica St 161 Sauchsehal. Street. Glasgow and Branches al Cambuslaog. Coatbridge. Durnbartoo Clydebank Motherwell and Paisley Lir emOVALAI and Storage LI.

Haulage. Shipping acid Porwarding -Colon Transit Ltd 381 Argyle Street. Olasgow C. 2 Plane: Metro i. 395 13 lineal unitovraa Loudon to Ulasguie 4 Service, covered ISO Alllsoo Glasgow 82.

POLlcie 1755 QURLIICAL BELTS made to Doctors Prescriptions for Post Operation Hernia. Prolapsed Orgies. eta. etc. etc Supplied against Doctors Certiff rates.

Private Pitting Rooms Email ittandanta. DONN'S Belt acid Trim. ioecialists. 11 ST VINCENT PIAUI OLASOOW. I THAT Truss.

Matto Hose or Call here and aet the of over so werience. Fitters. George D. Ritchie Co 40 Buchanan St illaasow Cl 1 URGENTLY required, large or small quantities of Harris Tweed Thread Waste. Kindly submit samples I iv.

lowest prices to Henry Burrows. Ltd Mill. Batley. Yorks. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Wilmot Weasel Fee'll loop eel el bed le the eterelee full el vim see Odour The liver should pour out two pints ot liquid bile into your bowels duly.

If this bile is not Bowing freely, your food doesn't digest You get headacises Ind feel rotten You get coostipoted. Your whole system is poisoned yo 9 feel sour. slack, sad the woridlookig. Lauthes Snag bats mere bows movement assart get et lb. owe.

It takes deem geed eld Carters Litde Liver Pills to get obese two pints of bile Bowing freely and make you feel "up end up. Harmlesspicotle, ye; awning in making bile boa freely. Ask foe Carters Little Urn Pills. Stubbornly refuse snntin. 6MA tiy sad Mee new i Scotland's Best Holiday Guide HOTELS BOARDING 11101otlEti MARIk 44 Central Or.

Homely. No restriv c. dly. Illuminations Coach parties catered for. Tel 23796 BLACKPOOL.

PARK VILLA It Palatine Rd. brd-res, dly eet tables, home combs all rms Mrs Rater Tel 2 5 4 50. Mrs. 3 LIO Reads Aye. Brd-res Vacs ex-July 29-Aug 5.

Ilium Vacs all weeks BLACKPOOL Hornby Rd Parties catered tor Mrs rAwarrr. Tel 20425 Hotel. 308 Prom Special terms for Illumine. tions Mon. to Fri.

£3. Tel 235581. I LA CKPOOL, et. Clubs CUL atil LP prom. Pilkangton FiILACKPOOL.

HILL, 78 Reads Av. LI brd good food. Ph. FILACKPOOL, 25 Hornby 4-1 Rd. man sea.

day nt.LACKPOOL. WYNNSTAY. 64 Hornby Rd. cent, Cent Or. homely, brd, vac now I T-A.

till 12th Aug. other vacs after 19th Westminster RA Phone 1873. Hotel. Weydale Ave. Overlooking N.

Bay. or Peasholm. open-air theatre, and All rens Dancing. Noted catering. cow: service.

Terms. day. Tel 3068 CARBOROIJOH. CORA LYNN. 7 Trinity Rd.

Nr es. me. station Nice garden. Coml. 3rd-res.

Sept day full bed. Own Car Park. Tel. 2388. BRZAMORAY, 20 1 4 -T Trafalgar 13q.

1 min cricket ground II brd-res dly; reduced terms Bell Loud'le Rosa I 1, 3 Bth Cliff. Nr Spa. sands: brd-res 155 BROWNE. Tel 1633 tATHITLEY Guest Else. IS Windsor for September Illuminations; sit Promenade; all edrals; lounge; sep dining tables; excel cuisine; terms.

Aug 5 gns; Sept onwards 412 gns; limited vacancies: book now ITHITLEY 35 South Parade; adl Promenade Illuminations Aug 26-Oct good food; lounge: It all bedrms; moderate Mrs. II lanes. Tel 3051. WHITLEY BAY. ORZYLANDS, Esplanade.

brd-res, c. vac Aug U. Darby. Prop. Whitley Bay 2837.

W'HITLEY BAY. Illuminations; VT brd-res; bkng now; comf good 20 North Parade. lILTHITLEY 18 VT North Parade. brd-res, 2 mins sew; bkng for Tanner. WHITLEY Park Parade: sup bed-res; vacs Aug 19.

on. booking for Illuminations. NVY homely bedres. week-ends. mita sea; dly 45 Esplanade.

ISLA OP MAN BRILVOL (Sutherland' I J' On Kyle of Sutherland. CALEDONIAN Hotel. beautiful scenery. enjoy real Highland noliday; Mod modn. excel food: fishing, golf, boating; on train and bus routes: fully licensed: A.A.

and R.A.C. Apple Manager Ardgay 214. 'lily Vr Montague. 148 Renfrew 81. Dou 6450 Ter.

2015. IRKCALDY VICTORIA dotal. 11 Victoria Rd fully 11o; Pl 2 Kirk. 411111. now mains summer also bus parties catered for.

reas tariff; eiCIN menus I Barr Cres. 1.1 few vacs till 29th July and from 12th Aug. Phone 3115. Aig Aug 12. on.

Iva full Critigmore. 340THESAY. WEST VIEW. Craig- AA more. Rm.

suit 3 or 4. July 29. till Aug 12, cancel. Ph 810. ABERDEEN.

Aug on, 01074, Daily Record. Aberdeen. Phone 20948. A BERDEE.N.—HoI accom, now zhDayldson, 43 Powia Tarr. Ph 24427, A Ist fort COLLIE.

62 Urquhart Rd. A now sh CARTER. 10 Newton Rd. A rms. or shore, brd.

highly rec. Buchan, Marketgate. Room kitchen, August. sole occupancy. 2 beds.

WOOD. 7 McCall's Ave A gd fd. cent. 2nd fort 3 New Bridge St. 112LACKWATERPOCYE at shore.

6 apts. 5 beds, C. Sept; Hawthorn Cottage. bdrm or b.s., Aug Sept. with or without A 484, Daily Record.

Glasgow. 'Ego res. 4 ens. -LP Mrs. BARCLAY.

2 Seaview Pl. kit. Sept, IF gd loc. A 487, Daily Record. Glasgow.

bd-sitnn. use NA of bthrm Irette, 29th July. 117403, Daily Record. Greenock. Aug.

Sept, £4 -I. full brd. A4BB. Daily Record. Glasgow.

INVERNESS. 2 1.0 £3 10'-: from now on. WALKER. Riverview. St.

fm Aug 12. at AM. bch 7675. Daily Record. Kirkcaldy.

AMLABH. Bd-sitraz with attend, 15th Aug 27 Hamilton Terr. rms brd or attend 1 4 from 26th Park Terr. 2 dble beds. INA- 29th July-12th Aug.

all Crookston, 46 Simon Cres, Leven. Fife. MORAY FIRTH full brd £3 Aug Daily Record. Glasgow AIRN. 212 beds, Ist fort Aug as 20th on.

f.b.—A49l. Daily Record. Glasgow. 101ETERHEAD. Rm.

2 dble beds, bthrm. Aug Daily Record, Glasgow. oT HESAY. 2 beds, low door. last 2 weeks Aug.

£lo. A 490. Daily Record. Glasgow. QT.

ANDREWS. Rins, 12th-19th Aug-Sept, cooking 295. Citizen Office. St. Andrews.

QT rm, brd. £4 k- 7 Aug 12. 705. Henderson. Booksellers.

QT. ANDREWS. Last fort Aug. 2 adlts. full brd.

Kirsopp. 19 South St. QALTCOATS iSouth )--7 rms, good beds. brd opt, now A 4613, Daily Record. Glasgow.

bungalow. rma or brd; 2nd fort Aug. 9381. Daily Record, Glasgow. MOUSES FOR SALE EVE SALE by Private Bargain the following houses which form part of superior tenement Two Rooms.

Kitchen and Inside Lavatory in Chimelior Partick. One Roam. Kitchen. Scullery inside Lavatory in Port Dundee Road (off North end of Buctrinaii Deposit reduced. One Room and Kitchen In Ancroft St.

ioff Hopehlll Road). One Room and Kitchen In Whitelnch. One Room and Kitchen In Marvhiti Road. One Room and Kitchen in Torness Partick. Single Apartment in Fingal Mary.

hill Single Apartment In Cumlodden The price in each case can be paid by instalments. Further particulars ma be obtained from F. Reid Donaldson. Solicitors It High Paisley Tel No. PM 2153 I 2 lineal RADIO AND WIRELESS AND Lk Selection of BEST KNOWN MAKES.

Including CAR RECEIVERS. In Stock. Cash or H.P. Repairs a specialitycall. 'phone, or 264 oreat Western Road.

Glasgow. PERSONAL ETIRED GENTLEMEN, who are J- 11 troubled with Rheumatism. Sciatica or Neuritis are advised to try Tablets for speedy relief. All Chemists 8 1 .2 and PROPERTY FOR SALE 858 OAREIC.OII6 ROAD run SALE Apply F. Reid es Donaldson.

Solicitors 14 High Strait. Paisley Tel PAT 9153 12 lineal EN hitT, IRELAND SCOTLAND ING'S NIGHTLY at 8 Sat Hots 6di 83!) Howard Wyndham's Annual HALF-PAST EIGHT" A Song and Dance Laughter 8110 FREDDIE SALES JIMMY PLANT CATHIE HARM Change of Programme every Thurs 6i- 5,6 215 (Unreserved Boos at Theatre. 10 to 8.30 DOU 2721 OYAL Evenings at 7 30 Saturday at 2 By Special Request. a return visit ot Glasgow's Own Play. "THE GORSALS STORY" Presented by GLASGOW UNITY THEATRE 3lst July: ROBERT MORLEY.

JOAN TETZEL DAVID TOMLINSON in THE LITTLE HUT." 7th August: EDITH EVANS and CECIL PARKER In "DAPHNE LAUREOLA." by JAMES Prices: 8 6, 41-, 6,25 METROPOLE 8.30 Summer Show of 1950 till LOGAN FAMILY iMum. Dad. Heather. Buddy, Bert and Jimmy) with Star Cast inclading THE THISTLE LADIES PIPE BAND and THE 6 SINGING MINERS in the Bin Scottish a THE ISLES." Box Office 10-9 Please Book Early 6.30 EMPRESS 8.35 SUMMEI BRETIS in agv present PLE Bert Bendon: Ted Cassidy: Bob Barr Sally Puy: Douglas. Des.

Dale and Don Box Office 10-9. Dou 0222 6.25 PAVILION 8.35 -TALK a THE TOON' TOMMY MORGAN MoLher's Change of programme. Box Office 10-9. GOO 0479-9 6.10 8.25 MIA HORNS Mat Sat 2.30. 11- to 5 all week Box Office DOU 6434 MUSIC IN THE PARKS TO-DAY OLASOOW OFtEEN Stars on Parade Concert Party KELVINOROVE PARK Open-air Dancing TOLLCROSB PARK Padens Motor Works Band VICTORIA PARK Clydeslde Echoes Concert Party Children's Entertainments See Local' Bills.

'THE GEORGE (St. Geerge's Road). Mickey Rooney in "The Big Wheel" lu). IMMURE (Iltsitegibelggs). George RAO In "Hounded' CRIEPIP HIGHLAND GATHERING SATURDAY.


Crier I. Secretary. Crieff Highland Gathering Limited Private Hotel. L. Central Prom 30 yrs.

lie. pers management. taid-wa Hampson TeL 1175 111000LA8 (1.0. M. BAY HOTEL 1 Fully Ile.

Grounds overl'lrg Bay Ballroom. loci No Free Brochure HELIER'S. Central 1 0 Promenade. Licensed. H.

full brd from Tel 240 raOUOLAS. ASCOT, Empire Terr Cent Prom. full brd from 136. Tel Croota. Private RU.

Loch 1 Prom Licensed, Brd.res 161-; Cain. Tel 2283. York Road; at rms; few vacs all weeks brd TIOUOLAS. DALRIADA. Stanley View, Broadway 0 13 Sent.

cent A. prom unite. o. Tel 2151 Corkin fIoUOLAS. Demesne Rd.

eui JU brd. T.b MOORE ISLE OF Guest House. Close Lake Perm, Ramsey. brd-res Tel Andreas 207 Mrs. HARDMAN 81 MARY lOU I.

SHER. Promenade: ti good 1 :000 children welcome Tel 2314 INN, LF hot and cold water; famous ft.vr IIUBLIN. ASEIE, 54 Upper Grand Catlai St. 8.b.. light supper, TALIN bungslow, good food, mod terms.

Vacs August GROVES. 73 Patrick St, Dun Laoghalre. Co. Dublin for season. or sea -I.

front. Mrs. McNALLY. Causeway View. lI.BORTSTEWART.

SONNYDENE 11 Atlantic Circle Bit. Recom Brown. A LODGE HOTEL nk maximum coraf at minimum cost: terms £5 witty: fully Ile; no aecom minable In July Phone 9X46 AYR HOTEL homely comf, enjoyable food, opening season, special terms. Mr. Hay.

Phone 568911. A Park Terr zwhome baking. min shore. Ph 530511. Your holiday: HOME OR ABROAD he Sunban Tinto' you need HOLIDAY GUIDE 1 The book you must have to cum Bost places to stay or eat.

enter 7 a most enjoyable holiday attr marrenes. hand Great lleitale or the Mott regulations. useful Memos 520 infewmatism.packed peen. 's phrases. All the answers be all Me erdste how to lit there.

travel problems. Tremendous RUT urnou WI 011T-SECONI EOM lIOW MAILABLE from di booksellers, price or direct from Publishe r. Sunday Times Holiday Guide (D.A.) Kongo, House. Lombok W.C.I. post tree.

DAILY RECORD. Monday, NIT 24, 1950.

Daily Record from Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.